For the past 3 days Beech Hill Preserve has had open picking of their blueberry fields from 8am-1pm. The first day i got there on a whim when I called my friend Cara to see if she and her daughter wanted to accompany R and I to the park. She countered with a blueberry picking invitation and i couldn't very well turn that down, could i?
If you haven't read _Blueberries for Sal_ by Robert McCloskey (who also wrote _Make Way for Ducklings_) you really must. It is a super sweet story of a little girl and her mother who go to pick blueberries at the same time a young bear and his mother go to eat up for the winter. The kids lose their moms and find the opposite moms and eventually get it all straightened out. It's a great story, and one of R's favorites. We eat blueberries off the page and feed them to Reggie. It's quite fun.
anyway, I figured R would be all excited to live out Blueberries for Sal for real, and she was for about 10 minutes. Then she wanted to wander far, far away. I managed to keep her in my reach for about an hour before the sun and my full buckets made us pack it up. That night i made a scrumptious (if i do say so myself) pie and we brought it over to my mom's to share with her and my stepdad and his older grandaughter.
note: blueberry pie and ice cream before bed do not a happy to bed toddler make.
I went back the next morning to pick alone with my friend and was quite a bit more productive. There was something incredibly calming and peaceful about sitting on the side of a hill, rolling plump blue berries off the vines and into my bucket. Kind of Zen meets Norman Rockwell....
raelin was probably looking for mama bear coz she wanted to trade families.
them are fightin' words, B.... ;)
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