Thursday, September 07, 2006

Just catching up...

Ok, that Peak Oil post lingered for way too long as my last post. Suffice to say that we are over our freak out, and while we are still definitely keeping PO in the forefront of our thoughts, it's not dominating them anymore, which is a nice feeling. Kinda sucks to wake up in the night thinking about how your life is going to change in the midst of global chaos.

So, moving on...

Survived (just barely) my first week-plus without Kevin. Yup, home alone with the kiddos. There were some great times... taking a really nice walk with Raelin and Liam at one of the local parks, testing the cushion-like quality of various patches of moss, wandering down random trails, watching a totally crazy looking caterpillar with huge fuzzy antennae and equally large and fuzzy scale type things that went up and down its back. I had a night off when Raelin stayed at my mom's, and then my dad and stepmom visited, which was a nice diversion. But by Monday, i was more or less falling apart and skipped the family Labor Day cookout for time to sleep and rest with Liam. I love Raelin to death, but she takes it out of me.

have no fear, though, a remedy is in sight: SCHOOL! thats' right! School starts on Monday and I am chomping at the bit. It sounds terrible, that i am counting the minutes (well, not literally....) but i think it's going to be great for all of us. I definitely need the break and time to accomplish some things and i can't wait to get moving- I'm committing to hiking at least 2 of the 3 mornings she's in school. Liam is still backpack-able (though barely, the chub), so I'm just going to strap him on and explore some of the hills i've been looking at longingly since we moved here. And I know that Raelin needs the time with other kids, time away from her baby bro when she and her little people are the focus and there are stimulating, enriching activities just for her, even if she has to share things, which is not on her agenda these days. But hey- for 3 mornings, its' Miss Toki's job to deal with that- not mine!!
And really, we need the break from each other. It's going to be good. Its a Waldorf school, so i dont' have to worry about her eating crappy snacks or playing with yappy toys or coloring worksheets. Nope, just good, natural, hippy-seal-approved imaginative play and sweet stories.

You'd think things might be slowing down a bit, what with summer gone by and Kevin's folks resettling in Cali and Liam no longer a dreamy eyed newborn. But no. House goes on the market next weekend.


We have a week and a day or two to declutter and clean and paint and declutter and then declutter some more. Sigh.

We're gluttons for punishment, really. I mean, isnt' a new baby enough? Nope, we went and had to find ourselves a homestead. Gosh darnit, now them thar Callahan's really gone off'n 'er rocker! B'for ya know it, we'll be all hillbillies 'n shit....


Blogger e said...

whens y'all start makin' moonshine?

10:06 AM  

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