The thing about 2....
Raelin has pretty much taken this whole new baby thing in stride. In fact, she hardly even blinked when i told her that i had a baby in my belly. I explained that it would get bigger and at some point she would be able to feel it move. Uh huh... yup.... Read me a book, Mommy? Was about the extent of the conversation.
Now, I dont' know about you, but this gives me pause. A 2 year old accepts without question that i have a baby in my body. This is a kid who wants to know what everything is (blissfully, we have not reached the "why?" stage yet.) She knows about babies... she loves them. So, it's not like she is mistaking me saying "baby" for say.... a poop that will need to come out at some point today (a subject that she is intimately familiar with). No, she is quite cognizant that I am talking about another person.
Wouldn't you think that if you told someone who had no prior knowledge of baby-making in any way, shape, or form that you had another person inside you, that it might drum up a question or two? or disbelief? I mean, I've made, grown, and birthed a baby and it still gives me the heebeegeebies sometimes. I'm sorry People, but it's just weird. We're all kind of numbed out to it because it happens everyday, but it's straight outta Sci-Fi as far as I'm concerned.
But not if you're 2. If you're 2, the world is a very different place. Take Brooke and Angus and Gus, for example. Now, if you're read Kevmo's blog, then you know who I'm talking about. For those who have been there recently, I'll fill you in. About a month or so ago Raelin casually mentioned that Brooke and Angus wanted to color with us. Um, ok... I said and held out my hands to receive them in an obvious hand-off. We'd been hearing about a few "others" recently, so I wasn't all that surprised. The others had come and gone within a day, but Brooke, and Angus and now Gus became permanant fixtures in the house- that is, until Kevmo and I royally screwed up and left them in a mouse house on the George's Highland Path. Even when Kevin returned with Raelin to pick them up, they have been a bit reclusive, only turning up for special occasions and now apparently our little nutkin can teleport him or herself out to play with them as well. The other day Raelin mentioned that Brooke and Angus and Gus and the baby were all joining her for something-or-other. Excellent. The sooner we get those two bonding, the better, I figure.
So, yeah, 2 is different. It is at once utterly accepting and unquestioning and in another instance, completely manic... but that's another story.... or 100....
yeah, that's great. tell us more about this poop that has to come out later?
if you insist...
bring a book and prepare for your ass to fall asleep....
well, i've been thinking about the entire birth-parenting process for almost as long as i can remember. imagining it in various ways, dreaming about it. about me doing it, that is. i am still in awe of the process and i hope that never changes, really. i think constant fascination and mention of things is evidence of being in awe, so perhaps Raelin is more amazed than it might seem by her "yeah...." tone of voice:)
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